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27,501 نتائج ل "Organizational Innovation"
صنف حسب:
How to Motivate Employees for Sustained Innovation Behavior in Job Stressors? A Cross-Level Analysis of Organizational Innovation Climate
The starting point of organizational innovation is employees' creative thinking and innovation behaviors at work. In addition to personality and innovation willingness, innovation behavior depends on the level of support available in an organizational environment. The data used in this study were collected from 74 R&D teams (418 employee participants) in technology companies in Taiwan, and a multi-level analysis was conducted to investigate the relationships among job stressors, creative self-efficacy, and employees' sustained innovation behavior, as well as the role of the organizational innovation climate between creative self-efficacy and employees' innovation behavior. The research findings revealed significant positive relationships between challenge stressors and employees' sustained innovation behavior, as well as significant negative relationships between hindrance stressors and employees' sustained innovation behavior, mediation effects of creative self-efficacy on job stressors and employees' sustained innovation behavior, and moderation effects of the organizational innovation climate on employees' creative self-efficacy and sustained innovation behavior. An enterprise could place some working-related stress on employees and create a rich internal innovative climate to induce innovation behavior in its members.
Effects of organisational culture on organisational innovation performance in family firms
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of organisational culture (OC) on organisational innovation performance (OIP) in family small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It seeks to establish the type of culture that lead to high innovation performance in family firms. Design/methodology/approach – A postal survey of family SMEs across sectors in the UK is conducted. The study employs multiple regression analyses to test which family business culture has an effect on OIP. Among the family business cultures tested are: an external cultural orientation, a flexible and open OC as well as an organisational climate based on open communication and trust, the founder culture, and a long-term cultural orientation. Findings – The findings show that a paternalistic and founder culture type do not have a positive effect on family firm innovation performance, but an entrepreneurial-like culture does, i.e. one that is externally oriented, flexible, proactive (refer to an open culture) and long-term oriented. Similarly, an inward focus culture such as, the founder culture impedes innovation; while an outward focus culture such as, an external orientation culture has a positive effect on family firm innovation performance. Originality/value – This study makes valuable contributions to the understanding of theory and practices of innovation in family businesses. It provides future research directions.
Toward Sustainable Development: The Causes and Consequences of Organizational Innovation
As society continues to evolve, environmental contextual factors continue to change. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between organizational innovation and individual, organizational, and environmental context variables, as well as the impact of organizational innovation on the performance of an organization. This study will investigate the incorporation of relevant aspects of environment, society, and governance into organizational innovation, and investigate its influencing factors on innovation. The information electronics industry based at Hsinchu Science Park was selected to gather data for this study. Overall, the number of valid questionnaires recovered was 138, with an effective recovery rate of 45.25% (138/305). The findings of this study are in support of environmental and organizational variables having the largest explanatory power for organizational innovation, while individual creativity was found to have less of a correlation with organizational innovation. This study has expanded and continued to make breakthroughs and contributions in studies on ESG and sustainability-oriented organizational innovation.
Evaluation of the organizational innovation and self-efficiency levels of health workers
The aim of this study was determine whether the personal features of the participants create a difference in terms of organizational innovation. This study was conducted with 1234 nurses and midwives. A multiple regression model was created to see and predict the effect on individuals' total innovative scores and self-efficacy scores. The total innovative and the self-efficacy score are predicted with multiple regression analyses. It was observed that the variable that most affected both the total innovative score and the self-efficacy score of the individuals was the education level of the individuals. The fact that midwives and nurses have a certain level of innovative and self-confidence is important for the society to receive better and faster health services. In this study, it was observed that the education level was important for the development of innovative and self-confidence in both groups.
HBR's 10 must reads on innovation
Innovation luminaries including Peter Drucker, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, and Clayton Christensen provide insights and advice that you need to: - Adapt innovations from the developing world to wealthier markets - Plan all-new ventures by testing and tweaking - Manage risk across an innovation portfolio - Avoid classic pitfalls such as stifling innovation with rigid processes - Iterate to arrive at the best possible product offering.
Mastering the curation of organizational innovation
[...]LSS's organizational culture impact linked positively with engaging with challenges and with building internal idea-backing. [...]an organization support climate, which relates to inter-employee collaborative relationships that boost the double-whammy combination of satisfaction and performance. [...]an organizational rule climate is concerned with rule-based ecosystem formation, and the extents to which these rules are enforced.